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graffiti Monday when I returned to work I found some faded, but not too faded, writing on my dry-erase board. Apparantly the cleaning folks had decided to practice their marker art on it, and then been unable to clean it off for some reason. He or she also must have found themselves in a bit of a panic, because also left in my office were two different kinds of cleaner, and some white powder scouring stuff spilled onto my phone, desk, and the floor underneath the board. There was a bottle of coffee pot cleaner on the desk of the administrator who works out at the end of the hall that leads to my office, and we assume that this was also tried. Not surprisingly, the board is farily scoured and scraped where the writing is, and the eraser is now ineffective, probably due to the cleaners applied to it and the board. Also, the two screws that the carpenter who recently installed the board had drilled into the bottom frame to keep it from moving, have been loosened, one almost removed. Or perhaps removed and replaced. I'm curious as to what the person who was in here had in mind...we don't stock these boards in the supply closet, they have to be ordered from a catalog. Maybe they thought I wouldnt notice if the board was just missing? Someone suggested that maybe they thought they could turn it around, that it was a double-sided board. I can imagine the panic of someone who was playing around with markers, realizing that they cannot undo what they have done. Also, since someone has to come into my office every night to get the trash, they must be seeing their handiwork everytime and wondering if they will be reported. I suppose it won't be hard to find out who was cleaning this wing on the 3 nights when I was out of town last week. So needless to say I had my share of visitors Monday. My office isn't exactly a monument to classic organization methods, and my desk is piled high with various notes, books, and electronic gadgetry, some of it work related. I believe it has been reported to the head of security and housekeeping as well. I need to order another whiteboard in the meantime. Here is a picture I took with my phone camera. I cranked the contrast up so the words would be more visible, and the lighting is mostly flourescent, so it has a funny look about it. It's not quite this vibrant in person, but certainly noticeable enough that if you were using the board you would write around it. It is definitely present on the board.

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