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Is it just me, or is it you? So we visited Pittsburgh over the weekend to see U2 play. My connection didn't have Philadelphia tix, but it was worth the drive. B's parents flew down and drove out there with us, to help with the boy, so that was pretty cool. Its nice to see them, and it was good to have reliable and eager babysitting at the hotel. This was our first night out without him, so I was a little nervous, but of course everything was fine. What we noticed during our short visit in Pittsburgh, besides how surprisingly cool of a city it seems to be, is how nice people were. The Jamaican parking lot attendant cracked jokes with Rick, the bartender gave us directions (although tipped people tend to be a little more friendly anyway), and even the kid working at Subway was friendly and in good humour. It was a little odd. I realized, sometime on Saturday, that I've felt that vibe about a couple of places we have visited in recent years, and so maybe its not that Pittsburgh is an exceptionally friendly place (I mean this as no slight, hang on:) but that Philadelphia is just full of jerks. By contrast, I suppose, every common courtesy feels like a warm hug, or like the hint of a smell that reminds you of a bygone era. In any event, thanks Pittsburgh, God bless you, keep your minimum wage earners pleasant, and keep your funky bridges painted yellow.

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